Monday, April 30, 2007


Dan Wakefield’s soft voice and sweet demeanor added to the overall charm of the screening of his film, Going All the Way. The film, which was set and shot in Indianapolis, was screened Sunday evening at the IUPUI Herron School of Art. References in the film to Herron, Indiana University and a dance scene filmed at the Rathskeller made the Hoosier audience sit up a little taller (myself included) and say, “I know all about that.” Silly? Maybe. But still, the familiarity and the authenticity of the film transported us into the story and even made us a little proud.

After the screening, Wakefield and the Festival’s Found and Director, Brian Owens, talked about the film and opened the session up for questions. Wakefield spoke sweetly about his experiences with the film, explaining how, as a writer, he felt so lucky to have been actively involved in the filming. Like a proud papa, Wakefield spoke of his interactions with the cast and crew during that summer of filming and even introduced some of the crew that had come to support the film at the screening.

After the session, the group headed over to the Rathskeller for a Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the film. And celebrate we did. Any excuse for a good beer is a good excuse to me, but Dan Wakefield and his film were really something to raise our glasses to.

-Margaret Henney

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